
Actually, Boxing Day.
And the end of The Big Giveaway.

Notice how I cleverly worked this, so the last day falls on the old traditional day of visiting, and gift-giving? Pure luck.

Luck. Fortune. Serendipity. Err…

If you’re at a loss for words, here’s the ultimate dictionary and thesaurus:

WordWeb dictionary and thesaurus

WordWeb is an up-to-date and highly extensive database of words in current usage.
It gives definitions, examples of use, synonyms (same meaning), and antonyms (opposites).
Available in multiple languages.
There’s even a text-reading function.

Speaking of which… (another dubious segue)

If you’ve got a script or story you want to hear aloud – and you can’t stand the sound of your own voice…
Or can’t get anyone to read it back to you…
Or you’re stuck in a crowded apartment building with paper-thin walls, late at night…

TTS Reader download page

TTS Reader might be the answer.
It’s a Text-To-Speech Reader (duh?) that will vocalize a text of your choice, using whatever MS Windows-compatible “voices” you have on your system.
And it’s pretty much the best of the bunch. So.

Put in a good word, for me.

Compliments of the Season.
